InfraQuant offers an easy-to-use platform to streamline QC operations and produce analytical results of high and trusted quality.
We understand that the supervisor wants a highly configurable tool, whereas an operator is looking for simplicity. That is why InfraQuant has balanced both these aims and offers an advanced configuration module as well as an easy front interface to run the daily routines.
The front-end Wizard guides the operator through the analysis sequence with information messages, warnings and reminders. The Wizard ensures consistent results independent of operator skills and experience. Our philosophy is to minimise the use of the mouse and work from a “next-next-next-ok” design perspective.
> Software highlights:
- Runs on up-to-date windows 10
- Intuitive and easy to use without training
- The choice between multiple user languages
- Easy link to AnalyticTrust for easy instrument surveillance and QA
- Easy link to LIMS
Umbraco Cloud er vores Open Source CMS hosted i skyen med en lang række ekstra features, der gør dit arbejde nemmere og hurtigere.
Fås i 3 forskellige planer og priserne starter fra €25/måned.
Vi har kompetencer indenfor en bred vifte af udviklingsmiljøer og tilbyder specialløsninger, der spænder fra flotte og brugervenlige mobil apps til avancerede databehandlingssystemer. Hos os får I en moderne, veldokumenteret og gennemtestet løsning som opfylder netop jeres behov fordi I er med i processen hele vejen. Vi er i stand til at løse langt de fleste udviklingsopgaver, da vores erfaring spænder over en bred vifte af teknologier.
FT-NIR instruments need supervision. They must be checked and re-calibrated at regular intervals in order to maintain the precision required to sustain the business case. Some results are used in Big Data interpretations and internal data flows and the effect of lost data quality is almost certainly bad data out.
In daily operation AnalyticTrust manages a customisable schedule of verification activities very much like a workflow management tool. Validation must be performed at regular intervals and reminders are sent to operators. In cases of non-compliance escalation emails are sent to management.
AnalyticTrust integrates directly to instruments and computers, receiving the results of measurements and storing them in the instrument database. This allows AnalyticTrust to perform analysis of the validation results and predict instrument degradation and failure. Automatic Performance Degradation detection is used to request unscheduled instruments calibration or parts replacement.
Data fra forskellige sensorer sendes trådløst til BrainyBins systemet, der fungerer som hjernen bag alle de intelligente funktioner. Dette inkluderer bestemmelse af fyldningsgrad, ruteplanlægning og meget mere. Statistikdelen giver overblik over arbejdsgange på genbrugspladserne og nem rapportering til miljømyndighederne.
BrainyBins Predict:
Forudsiger fyldningsgraden så du kan yde en bedre service og undgå fyldte containere.
BrainyBins Routing:
Automatisk planlægning af ruter så medarbejderne sparer tid og bilerne kører mindre.
BrainyBins Weight:
Nem og effektiv vejning af containere samt integreret fakturering.
BrainyBins Overview:
Overblik over alle containere, skraldespande, biler, medarbejdere og mere.
BrainyBins Admin:
Kontrol over brugere og brugergrupper, administration af bestillinger og indsigt i statistikkerne.
BrainyBins App:
Chaufførens daglige værktøj der logger fejl, viser ruter og beholdernes tilstand.
Experience shows that classical engineering skills combined with expert knowledge in 3D CAD and CAE is the fastest route towards the most realizable designs. The combination of expert knowledge in both the fields of technical drawing and disciplines of engineering makes us able to form a link between the engineers and the technical drafters.
As we are experts in the use of 3D software, we are able to focus on the design rather that how the different CAD software functions are put to use. This – combined with a large degree of practical and theoretical experience – makes us fully capable to take on any tasks within Industrial and Product design.
Transform your customer interaction into a smooth optimized process. Keep all the data at hand, deliver quote's accurate value even with complicated calculations, personalize client outreach & analyze your customers allowing them to interact with the quotes.
Sculptor CPQ allows to reduce the length of the sales cycle by 30%.
Our benefits:
Easily configurable - no special training needed, no hidden features
Transparent rules of pricing automation
User-friendly interface - no more switching between screens
Interactive collaboration on quotes with customers
Key features:
- Product Catalogue and Quote view on the same page
- Dynamic Product Grouping, Filtering, Search options
- Automatic configuration even for complicated bundles AND quotes
- Visibility of Rules Applied to a Bundle/a Quote
- Quote Template Editor, PDF Quote Renderer
- Interactive Quoting, Self-Service Quote Configuration Capabilities for Clients
- Commenting and Collaboration on Dynamic Quotes
Vi designer, udarbejder og tilrettelægger ensartede designlinjer på alle kontortryksager og al merchandise. Vi udarbejder firmalogo med nye anvendelsesmuligheder, leverer grafisk design til brochurer, annonce-layout, profilbeklædning, skilte og ikke mindst design af hjemmeside og shop.